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Meet David

David Rodgers is connected to his city and his community on a deep level, and is honored with this exciting opportunity to advocate for his neighbors. David has extensive work experience in municipal governments at both the city and county level, which means he would adjust comfortably to this new role as city council member.

David received his Bachelor's in Criminal Justice from Southern Utah University, and more recently completed his Master's of Public Administration from Southern Utah University as well. David has worked in various city offices throughout Utah since starting his professional career, and now serves as a Transportation Planner for Salt Lake County. David currently manages the Corridor Preservation Fund, which consists of distributing a high value account to the municipalities located withing Salt Lake County.


While he has worked and lived in many other cities in the state, Murray has become a home. David has connected with the city in his several years of living here. City government affects our day to day lives greatly, but local elections such as city council races are often overlooked. David hopes to engage his neighbors and community concerns and ideas for how he can help make the city of Murray the best it can be.

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